Thought Corner

The development of competence in virtual collaboration emerges in small steps and involves many different areas. Read our blog posts on tools, processes, and facilitation methods.

Face-to-face, hybrid oder rein virtuell: Entschiedenheit hilft!

Face-to-face, hybrid oder rein virtuell: Entschiedenheit hilft!

Die beste Performance von Teams und die meiste Innovation zeigen sich in solchen Arbeitsformen, in denen alle Beteiligten die gleiche Arbeitswirklichkeit haben.  In der Mischform hybrider Arbeitsstrukturen haben beide Arbeitsformen eine signifikante Bedeutung. Positiv...

Navigating the transition to a new work model

Navigating the transition to a new work model

The way we work is changing fast. People feel more distant from each other and leaders are overwhelmed. The way to overcome separation and reduce overwhelm is to empower teams. Increase autonomy, foster transparency and promote inclusion. One path towards this new...

New Work: Auf den mittleren Feldern des Schachbretts!

New Work: Auf den mittleren Feldern des Schachbretts!

Das Neue Normal wird durch eine Dominanz hybrider Organisationsformen charakterisiert sein. Durch die Pandemie sind viele durch einen trial and error Prozess mehr oder weniger erfolgreich gegangen. Jetzt wird der Ruf nach Regelungen lauter. Gehen wir jetzt wieder in...

The team is the key to establishing hybrid work

The team is the key to establishing hybrid work

After the pandemic, concepts about the new normal for work and collaboration require action at the corporate level, yet individuals are also challenged to contribute responsibly to the new flexibility. However, essential design processes for the proper management of workspace and work time must be negotiated and agreed upon at team level. Five topics must be placed on the team agenda in order to successfully reconcile individual interests and operational goals.

The New Normal – Search for Concepts

The New Normal – Search for Concepts

From "Now the spook will finally be over soon and everything will go back to the way it used to be" to "I hope I can continue to work flexibly at home whenever it suits me". Managers and executives are confronted with this range of opinions and the question of how to...